2020 - Video series about experiences with Saraz Hand Pan: “more then music”
Episode 2: Interview with therapist Rob Jacoby:
“Drumming is a great way to get into peoples hearts.”… “being open emotionally”
“connect with music without being judged”
“…go with the flow instead of talking about it- thats priceless…”
“i realized it wasnt just a drum”
“It took the pressure off the therapeutic intensity ….that we talk about feelings…”
“We ask to play the emotion that they are feeling.”
Episode 4: Interview with Yogi Shelly
“I use the Saraz in so many ways in my classes.”
“The cherry on top (of soundhealing).”
“It erases their consciousness…a hyptnotic state.”
Episode 3: Kara Cura: Plant Medicine
“It is the best tool in my toolbox besides plants.”
“It allowes people to dissapear from the mind…”
Episode 1: Billy Zanski
“ts a world… A lot of people relate. ..its an ancient sort of energy…”
See also: