27. February 1987 - Trinbagopan: ‘Spree’ Simon did not invent Pan

Last Updated on 29. October 2021

Description: Article from trinbagopan.com says Spree Simon bought the historical “first” pan, not made it himself.


“He (Spree Simon) was even given a National award as pan’s inventor.

But the fraud was unmasked on Tuesday when George Goddard, currently on contract with the TnT Government, blew the lid on it during a meeting held earlier this week in Barataria.

“The pan which took ‘Spree’ to glory, had actually been bought from a man named Andrew “Pan” De La Bastide for a shilling (24 cents),” Goddard stated.

“It was the first pan ever sold.”

February 27, 1987By TnT Mirror

“The first steel instrument to replace the bamboo was actually a Bermudez biscuit drum,…”