2018 - Death of steelpan legend Ellie Mannette (RIP)
Last Updated on 11. October 2021
Death of Ellie Mannette (RIP, 29.8.2018), the father of the steelpan.
- obituary – PAN MAG : http://pan-mag.com/mannette-wong-and-philmore-a-requiem-for-pan-royalty
- obituary – Saraz Handpans website: https://www.sarazhandpans.com/news/ellie-mannette-1927-2018-r-i-p/
“Ellie Mannette passed at the age of 90 on August 29th, 2018. We are endlessly thankful to Ellie for his amazing lifetime of contributions and dedication to singing steel. We are all here because of him.”
Source: https://www.sarazhandpans.com/uncategorized/alternative-harmonics-on-hand-pan/
- Note: “Terra” Handpans schreibt über Zusammenarbeit mit Ellie Manette (Datum unbekannt): https://www.terratonz.com/acknowledgments-1
- Note: PANArt wrote a poem about Mannette -in 2016: https://panart.ch/de/news/ellies-response
- Note : On the Hangblog it says that Felix Rohner from PANArt 1995 „discussed in Cancun with steelpantuner Elli Mannette whether the fourth mode of vibration of a sound field could be controlled“. Quelle: http://www.hangblog.org/20-jahre-panart-personliche-eindrucke-der-jubilaumsfeier/