2014 - PANArt offers Gubal(R). No more Hang(R). No more letters.

Last Updated on 5. August 2021

At Panart, everything revolves around the new „Gubal“(R).

The Hang(R) is officially no longer being built at PANArt – and not offered anymore since 2014.
“Seit Anfang 2014 wird das Hang nicht mehr angeboten.”
Source: https://www.hangblog.org/das-hang/

  • “The Gubal is now the only instrument PANArt sells – a December 2013 notice on their website says no more Hang are being produced and “letters and mails will no longer be answered.” “That’s the evolution,” Schärer says. “You have to leave things behind and move on. We hope there is no more virus. Maybe you can be cured of the Hang by playing the Gubal,” she says with a smile.” Deepl Translation, Source:https://www.swissinfo.ch/ger/das-hang_lebensveraendernd–hirngespinst-oder-nur-eine-steelpan-/38538252

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