5. February 2024 - HCU Statement in answer of Brand Attack by Emanuel Eitle

Last Updated on 27. February 2024

Statement regarding World of handpan’s application for cancellation of the trademark “Hang®”

Quote: “HCU is not involved in this action”


1) “World of Handpan” does not refer to a community but is just a Company Name – by Emanuel Eitle

2) The lawyers hired by Emanuel Eitle are “Bird & Bird”

as mentioned here:

PANArt: “Surprising attack on our HANG® brand”


“Their lawyers at Bird & Bird have applied for cancellation of the brand due to non-use in the EU.”


Note: “Bird & Bird” has been the Lawfirm of HCU


Emanuel Eitle and “Bird and Bird” attacked PANArt without knowledge of HCU