8. April 2019 - Article (Indonesian): Hand Pan, Alat Musik Unik Dari Bangli
Hand Pan, Alat Musik Unik Dari Bangli
Selasa, 2 April 2019 | 10:05 WIB| Penulis, MC PROV BALI, Redaktur Kusnadi
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Bangli, InfoPublik – The development of the world of music is currently growing rapidly, giving rise to a variety of unique musical instruments with various shapes and sounds, one of which is the Hand Pan musical instrument. The Hand Pan or also known as the Hang drum is a percussion instrument created by two people from Switzerland, Felix Rohner and Sabina Scharer. This musical instrument is shaped like a UFO disk with a very unique sound because it can resemble the sound of gongs, bells, and gamelan.
How to play it looks simple, but Hand Pan has its parts that can’t be played arbitrarily. Each part has its functions with the sounds produced. In Indonesia, the Hand Pan musical instrument is not very popular, so not everyone is familiar with this instrument. Likewise with an artist named Ketut Suda.
Initially, this 45-year-old man knew the musical instrument Hand Pan through a friend from New York. From there Ketut Suda began to learn how to play this instrument before finally learning to make his own Hand Pan musical instrument in 2008. “In 2008 not many people knew the Hand Pan musical instrument. I am the first to make this instrument in Asia,” he said recently.
Bali Still Pan as he named his craft business which is located in Banjar Manik, Susut District, Bangli Regency. To make a Hand Pan musical instrument, the husband of Ni Nengah Suartini was assisted by 5 workers. Completing 1 hand pan takes 1 week to be done by 3 workers. The manufacturing process uses simple tools, namely by hitting an iron plate with a hammer until it forms the desired pattern and produces the appropriate sound.
In addition to utilizing the sensitivity of his sense of hearing, Ketut Suda also uses a tone meter to produce sounds with the appropriate pitch. Furthermore, Ketut Suda explained that the materials used to make the Hand Pan musical instrument could be iron plates or used drums.
Along with the times, more and more people are familiar with the Hand Pan musical instrument. Thus, more and more craftsmen are looking at the market share for making Hand Pans. It is inevitable that there will be competition between craftsmen. However, Ketut Suda was never worried about that because he guaranteed that the quality of his Hand Pan could be superior to other products. Besides, Bali Still Pan already has its own target market. For marketing their products are mostly exported to America, France and Germany. In the local market, the products are sold in tourism areas such as Ubud, Gianyar. (ProvBali IP)