23. September 2008 - Article (german) – “Die Nische ist mein Platz”, Augustin

Last Updated on 25. October 2021

Article, 2008, austrian magazine “Augustin” #236:, page 18, “Die Nische ist mein Platz” , Karl Weidinger


description: PANArt Visitor Peter Rosmanith (musician) is stating: Felix Rohner is building 2 Hang in one day. (…) Attempts to pass the tuning to others failed. Price for one Hang is mentioned in the infobox: “the price for one instrument is about 1200€” (translated)

The article can be read also here in continuous text


18 34 Nr. 236, Art.ist.in Art.ist.in Nr. 236, Peter Rosmanith und sein Hang Die Nische ist mein Platz