25. April 2024 - The History, Development and Global Dissemination of the Hang/Handpan – Wong, A CK. (2023). The History, Development and Global Dissemination of the Hang/Handpan. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City, University of London)

Last Updated on 30. April 2024

Thesis (Doctoral) published on 25 Apr 2024 16:00

link: https://openaccess.city.ac.uk/id/eprint/32744/

In the year 2000, a flying-saucer-like musical instrument named the Hang was invented in Bern, Switzerland, by Swiss steelpan makers Félix Rohner and Sabina Schärer.

The thesis of Dr.Wong is available on the ‘Paniverse.org Blog‘ in 9 different language versions – English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Netherlands, Japanese, Russian and Chinese (machine translated by DeepL) as a PDF file !