4. August 2020 - Article: Music To De-stress And Finding Art
Last Updated on 4. August 2021
Outlook India, Sathya Saran, 4. August 2020
“The musical composition that heals and the art that stimulates responses in the viewers’ memory.”
“His Meditative Raga series explores ragas in relation to the nervous system and their effect on the nerves. In experiments carried out in Germany, where he was invited by Brigette and Professor Klaus Fessmann, he had the audience relax in Shavasan or Padmasan while they ‘ received the healing tones of the raga’. ”
- “Seit Klaus Feßmann, Musikprofessor am Mozarteum in Salzburg, entdeckt hat, wie man der scheinbar toten Materie Klänge entlockt, ist er beseelt von der Idee, dass dieses Klangerlebnis eine Breitenwirkung entfaltet. (…) Im Schweizer Bivio, beim Felsenfest, treten sie zum ersten Mal mit dem berühmten, indischen Sänger Mahesh Vinayakram auf.”
- See also:
Video Mahesh Vinayakram-: https://youtu.be/P64t2UJo4gs
Quote from Video: “These instruments are all incarnations of the Hang”
- “Music from a Stone” – Article and Audio: https://www.wueste-welle.de/redaktion/view/id/208/tab/weblog/article/62515/Music_from_a_Stone.html